Sunday, 19 October 2014

Hot about HOTS!

Day 8 Session 1 (Friday, 17 October 2014, 8.30 - 10 am)

Cognitive skills and HOTS

A main goal of educators today is to teach students the skills they need to be critical thinkers. Instead of simple memorising facts and ideas, students need to reach their fullest potential. Practising HOTS can give students the "tools" they need to understand, infer, connect, categorise, synthesis, evaluate and apply information they know to find solutions to new and existing problems. 

As a teacher I do many things to foster HOTS in my classroom:
1. After reading a book, I can ask open-ended-questions to the students because answering questions that do not have one "right" answer can give the students confidence  to respond the creative ways.
When reading a book:
(a) What do you think might happen next?
(B) Does the main character/ main event remind you of anything from your life?
(C) Can you tell me what intrigue you the most in the story?
(d) Why did he/she act that way?

2. When making an important decision:
(a) How would you rank _____?
(b) How do you imagine ______ would look?
(c) What do you think a solution might be?
(d)Why did you choose _____ over ______?

3. When asking students to predict outcome:
(a) What would happen to ______ if _______?
(b) If you could do it differently, how would you change it?
(c) Suggest other possible ways to change it.


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